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Justus Carrière (1854-1893)

Zoólogo alemán
Palabra acuñada por este creador:
Total de palabras: 1
Palabra Información
omatidio (ommatidium) 1884
omatidio . 1884. Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. 24 674 (OED)
Texto de la acuñación de ommatidium
"The whole set of eye-units (ommatidia) of Musca vomitoria are enclosed in a chitinous capsule. [Note] The term ‘ommateum’ was introduced by Lankester in his memoir on the eyes of Scorpions to signify the entire soft parts of the non-segregate (unicorneal) eye of Arachnida and Hexapoda.‥ The similar term ‘ommatidium’ is introduced in this paper to signify the units consisting each of a retinula and a vitrella, together with their sheath of pigment cells, into which the ommateum of the multi-corneal (polymeniscous) eye of Arthropods, is segregated" (OED).
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ISBN: 8478005722