William Brinton (1823-1867)
Médico británico
Palabra acuñada por este creador:
Total de palabras: 1
Palabra | Información |
linitis (Linitis plastica) | 1859 |
linitis plástica . 1859. Dis. Stomach v. 310 (OED)
Texto de la acuñación de Linitis plastica
Texto de la acuñación de Linitis plastica
"Cirrhotic inflammation or plastic linitis" (OED).
linitis. 1859. Dis. Stomach v. 321 (note) (OED)
[fons=Linitis I would suggest that the inflammation of the filamentous network of areolar tissue‥might be well expressed by some such word as linitis (from the Homeric λίνον, rete ex lino factum).[/fons]
[fons=Linitis I would suggest that the inflammation of the filamentous network of areolar tissue‥might be well expressed by some such word as linitis (from the Homeric λίνον, rete ex lino factum).[/fons]
Para saber más: Wikipedia
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