Henry Nottidge Moseley (1844-1891)
Biólogo británico
Palabras acuñadas por este creador:
Total de palabras: 2
Palabra | Información |
gastrozooide (gastrozooid) | 1879 |
sifonozoide (siphonozooid) | 1881 |
gastrozooide . 1879. Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 169 429 (OED)
Texto de la acuñación de gastrozoid
Texto de la acuñación de gastrozoid
"In all Stylasteridæ two forms of zooids are present. One form has a mouth and gastric cavity, the other is devoid of these and has a purely tentacular function. For the former the term ‘gastrozooid’ is here adopted, and for the latter that of ‘dactylozooid’" (OED).
sifonozoide . 1881. Rep. Sci. Results Voy. Challenger 1873–6 II. 118 (OED)
Texto de la acuñación de siphonozooid
Texto de la acuñación de siphonozooid
"I propose to term in the case of Alcyonarians, in which there are two kinds of zooids,‥the aborted polyps (zooids of Kölliker) ‘siphonozooids’" (OED).
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