Carl Georg Johannes Petersen (1860-1928)
Biólogo danés
Palabras acuñadas por este creador:
Total de palabras: 2
Palabra | Información |
epifauna (epifauna) | 1913 |
infauna (infauna) | 1913 |
epifauna . 1913. Beretn. f. d. Danske biol. Station XXI (in Fiskeri-Beretn. 1912). 15 (OED)
1914 C. G. J. Petersen in Rep. Danish Biol. Station 1913 XXI. 16
Texto de la acuñación de epifauna
1914 C. G. J. Petersen in Rep. Danish Biol. Station 1913 XXI. 16
Texto de la acuñación de epifauna
"I would therefore propose, that‥we can distinguish between an In-fauna, which is connected with the ordinary, level, uniform sea-bottom,‥and various On-faunas (epifaunas), which occur in connection with such objects on the sea-bottom as stones, piles, shells, rocks or plants; the occurrence of such epifaunas is dependent on the distribution of these objects in the bottom" (OED).
infauna . 1913. Beretn. f. d. Danske biol. Station XXI. (in Fiskeri-Beretn. 1912) 15 (OED)
1914 C. G. J. Petersen in Rep. Danish Biol. Station 1913 XXI. 16
Texto de la acuñación de infauna
1914 C. G. J. Petersen in Rep. Danish Biol. Station 1913 XXI. 16
Texto de la acuñación de infauna
"I would therefore propose, that‥we can distinguish between an In-fauna, which is connected with the ordinary, level, uniform sea-bottom,‥and various On-faunas (epifaunas), which occur in connection with such objects on the sea-bottom as stones, piles, shells, rocks or plants; the occurrence of such epifaunas is dependent on the distribution of these objects in the bottom" (OED).
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