Jöns Jacob von Berzelius (1779-1848)
Químico sueco
Palabras acuñadas por este creador:
Total de palabras: 8
Palabra | Información |
aldehído (Aldehyd) | 1839 |
catálisis (catalysis) | (reintroducida) 1836 |
glicina (Glycin) | 1848 |
halógeno, na (halogenus) | 1826 |
isómero, ra (isomer/isomerisch) | (reintroducida) 1830 |
polímero, ra (polymerisch) | (reintroducida) 1832 |
selenio (selenium) | 1817 |
xantofila (xanthophylle) | 1812 |
catálisis . 1836. Edinb. New Philos. Jrnl. 21 227 (OED)
trad. Texto de la acuñación de catalysis
trad. Texto de la acuñación de catalysis
"Many substances‥possess the power of exercising upon compound bodies an influence essentially distinct from chemical affinity, an influence which consists in the production of a displacement, and a new arrangement of their elements, without their directly and necessarily participating in it.‥ In defining it a new power‥I shall designate it‥the catalytic power of bodies; and the decomposition it produces I shall call catalysis" (OED).
polímero, ra . 1832. Ann. der Physik u. Chem. 26 321 (OED)
selenio . 1818. Jrnl. f. Chemie u. Physik XXIII. 316 (OED)
Para saber más: Wikipedia
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